North West Spartanburg South Carolina

This congregation is currently dividing many of their territories. Now we are making some 8.5 x 11 inch PDFs for the territory cards for the publishers. They use Territory Helper but it doesn’t seem to…

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Owings Mills Maryland USA

A lot of roads! They wanted more road names and the names would have been so teeny that they would have been difficult to read. As a solution, I put a road legend on the…

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Weldiya Ethiopia

This one took a while because of communication differences but here’s the Wall pic. They liked it as all one color, but I liked it as multicolored.

Sanpya Burma (Mayanmar)

It was interesting to work with this beautiful script. Then they contacted me later to reduce the size of each territory and to re-number them.

Harlem NY

I used screenshot of a Google Map and Affinity Designer for lines, text and shapes.

Clovis New Mexico

Background was a svg file in OpenStreetMap and edited. Insets are from Graphics from Affinity Designer.